Sunday, October 21, 2012

Quick Update

Hello friends!

In case you were wondering if I'd been abducted by aliens, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. It's been a bit of a mish-mosh of health issues and life's little curveballs as usual, but I am working on something that I hope to have posted by tomorrow morning. (Monday)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and I'm looking forward to checking in with you all soon!

Here's a sneak peak at what's coming...


  1. Take all the time you need Mary! Sending lots of prayers your way ♥

  2. "Real life" kinda has a tendency to rear its ugly head, doesn't it??? Get some rest, take a deep breath, and I'll look forward to all the yumminess that awaits ... :)

  3. Just to let you know that your link to Food on Friday: Salad was featured in my Need Some Inspiration? Series today. Take care of yourself


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