Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm linking up with Java today!

Photo courtesy of Google Images
Howdy folks! It's a busy Friday for me, but I wanted to link up with Java's Friday Follow this week. It's been a while and I plan to do some long overdue visiting with my current blog buddies and hopefully meet some new friends too this weekend!  If you haven't participated in her 40 and Over Blog Hop and you fit the criteria (40 plus and just downright fabulous! - both boys and girls!) you should "hop" on board and give it a try! It's lots of fun and better still, it's how I've met some of the nicest bloggers around! Hope to see you around the blogosphere!

It's easy.... Just click on the link above and Java has all the steps right there for you to "follow"!  Have fun!


  1. Happy blog hopping!.

    I am a book blogger. I read varied genres, have a truly eclectic taste in books. Feel free to explore my blog, browse my reviews. I follow via google reader NOT GFC!

    Here is my Book Blogger Hop/Follow Friday post!

  2. As promised I hopped on over!!! Can't wait to read some more of your blog but am pressed for time today! Do you have an email subscription?? That is how I don't forget to connect with the new blogs I have found. I did the Google friends connect but hope I don't forget to come back!!! Great blog and great picture today!! Love it!!! Beth Ann


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