Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New York State of Mind - (and Bagels) STMUSS

Good Saturday Morning All!

Yep. You guessed it.  It's time for one of my favorite parties - Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday!

Since we're all about food here at GATAB, I thought I'd start with a little food video that has ties to the music videos I'm posting today. This place is considered by many New Yorkers to have the best bagels in in the city. (I don't know what the little "offside" thing with the 2 guys is about, but this was the most informative clip I could find on Youtube about Ess-a-bagel)

Now, on to STMUSS...

First, I need to clarify that I do not live in NYC. I do however live in NYS. Just a few hours north of the famed "city that never sleeps". I can pretty much get in my car at lunchtime and be in the city before dinner. (Well... as long as the traffic isn't too crazy.)

I've been to the bustling isle of Manhattan and it's 4 sister Burroughs many, many times and I love so much about all that they have to offer, but I grew up in an amazing small city and that's where I'm at my happiest. That being said, it doesn't mean that I can't understand why so many New Yorkers would rather die than live anywhere else on the planet. New Yorkers passionately and fiercely embrace their "hometown" as a part of themselves. A part of their very core. The good, the bad and the ugly. I totally get it. And if you've ever been there, you probably do too.

I'm putting up two versions of this song, but not for competitive purposes. I'm not asking you to decide which version is better.  I just wanted to show how a song that represents a "state of mind" to the writer and performers who sing it, can have layers of interpretation.  Personally, I love them both.  Let me know if you do too.  Enjoy! (and why not link up along with me for this week's Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday? C'mon... You know you want to!)

Alicia Keys and Jay-Z ~ Empire State of Mind


Alicia Keys ~ New York State Of Mind Part II

Linking up with:

Songs That Make Us Sing

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  1. Love this New York song by Jay z and Alicia Keys. I remember it came out around the time NY and Philly were in the World Series. I think of our loss (Philly) every time I hear it.
    Jill from VB

  2. It's probably been 10 years since I've been to NYC. Time to go again, perhaps. Mrs. B...I was reading earlier posts and am so sorry for the issue you had with your blog earlier in the week. Here is my big question. HOW do you back up your blog?

  3. I LOVE NYC! My mom brought me there when I graduated College...I swore I'd live there one day but then life went and happened before my eyes...married, two kids...LOL! It's all good though.

    I still dream of going back someday!

    I love the second version best...I had never heard it before.

    Love having you at the "party" every week! :)

    P.S. I am adding you to my blog roll because we "friends" now...better watch out! LOL!


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