Howdy Everyone!
Just a quick note to remind those of you who subscribe to my blog via RSS and use Google Reader to read Go Ahead... Take A Bite! that there are only two weeks left before Google shuts GR down for good. So if you haven't done so already and would like to continue to follow me through RSS, (It would make my day if you did!) please make sure to choose a new reader and import your subscriptions to it!
Still not sure which RSS subscription reader you want to use? See my post about the choice that I made, which includes links to some reviews of other alternative readers, written by different folks around the web.
Thanks so much for continuing to be a true blue blog friend!!
If you'd like to follow me through RSS on Feedly, but don't know how to get it, just click here and it will take you to my blog feed on Feedly and prompt you to sign up. (it's free and very similar to Google Reader!)
I have started using Blog Lovin on mine. Dumb changes. I have you imported over there,
Thanks, Susie! I follow you on Bloglovin' too! I chose to export to Feedly mainly because I have a fair amount of blogs that I've been reading on GR for a long time, that don't have their blog on Bloglovin'. Plus, it had the closest format to GR that I was able to find. (I'm not so good with change anymore. lol) I hope you and your family are staying safe out there with those horrible fires. You're in our thoughts and prayers. XOXO Mary