Saturday, November 5, 2011

Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday

photo courtesy of google images

Today, I'm linking up with a new hop (to me anyway) called "Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday" hosted by Because I'm The Mommy and (Not) Just Another Mom of Twins.

If you've ever checked out my "Music" page I'm sure you've figured out that I have pretty eclectic taste in music.  I love it all.  Well, practically all of it.  So, naturally when I logged in tomy dashboard tonight and saw that Beth over at Far From Camelot had linked up,  my curiosity got the better of me and I had to check it out.

The idea seems pretty simple.  Make a post stating what song or songs make you want to sing along and include a video if you want to.  Well, that's simple enough for even a middle aged old broad like me to follow, so here ya go...

Cat Stevens - Father and Son  (Then)

Yusuf Islam - Father and Son  (Now)

Here's the link to "Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday".  Give it a click and join in!  C'mon, ya know ya want to...

click here

:~)  Mrs B


  1. Thanks so much for linking up...I hope you continue to join the party becuase I LOVE your choice of song (s) this week...Cat and I go way back!!

    Now following ya...


  2. Thanks for the mention! You've got a wonderful new friend now! ;)

  3. I've been singing Footloose all day! Funny how songs get stuck in your head. :-)

  4. Is it just me, or wasn't life much simplier when he was Cat Stevens. Thanks for the memories!


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