Thursday, November 14, 2013

Some News!

Howdy folks!

- With some new Autumn inspired dishes and some good old fashioned comfort foods. Who knows... Maybe even something sweet to serve during the holidays! -

I didn't cook as often during my time away from the blog, but when I did, I tried my best to really make it count. Hope you'll enjoy what I've got coming up!

See you real soon!!!


  1. So glad that you are back. Sometimes, we just need a break - looking forward to all of your new posts!

  2. Thanks so much, Diane! I have a fairly decent amount of material to work on. Seems that I cooked and photographed a bit more than I originally thought. Now, it's just a matter of getting back into the swing of things. :) At the moment, this old brain of mine feels a little like it's still on hiatus. LOL


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